Homayoon Rafatijo, Ph.D.

Homayoon Rafatijo, Ph.D.


Homayoon Rafatijo, Ph.D.


Phone:  646.971.0685 
Email: hrafatijo@bochner.law


Dr. Homayoon Rafatijo seamlessly blends his deep scientific background, technical prowess, and legal acumen to adeptly navigate and litigate intricate intellectual property disputes.

With a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a minor in Physical Chemistry from Sharif University of Technology, a distinguished institution in the Middle East, Homayoon furthered his studies in the United States, earning a doctorate in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry from the University of Missouri.

As a seasoned academic, his research career, supported by a prestigious Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI) grant from the U.S. Army Research Office, involved conducting complex electronic structure calculations, applying advanced data mining techniques for molecular dynamics simulations, and developing sophisticated algorithms to extract meaningful insights from vast datasets produced during simulations of chemical and physical processes such as combustion and shock-induced transitions. Over the years, Homayoon has contributed numerous peer-reviewed publications and presented his research at leading conferences in chemical physics. His expertise as a computational chemist, coupled with proficiency in programming languages and source code analysis, underpins his ability to tackle multifaceted legal challenges in IP litigation. Additionally, his extensive network of collaborations with esteemed scientists worldwide strengthens his capacity to identify expert witnesses for his clients’ cases.

While serving as a professor of chemistry, Homayoon embarked on a new academic journey at the University of Missouri School of Law. During his Juris Doctor studies, he was elected President of the Association of Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship and served as Lead Article Editor for the Journal of Dispute Resolution. Homayoon has authored several law review articles on various aspects of the IP law. His rich experience as a researcher, educator, and legal scholar equips him to expertly analyze complex intellectual property cases, represent clients at all stages of litigation, and safeguard their IP rights in court and before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.


  • University of Missouri – Columbia School of Law (J.D.)
  • University of Missouri – Columbia (Ph.D.)
  • Sharif University of Technology (B.Sc.)


  • Missouri
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office


  • National PKU Alliance, Board of Directors (2022-2023)
  • American Chemical Society
  • The Federalist Society


  • “Frozen in Time: The Static Nature of Legal Texts and the Controversy Surrounding Dobbs,” The Fly-Bottle Webinar, December 2023
  • “Islamic Republic: An Oxymoron From a Sharia-based Religion to a Fiqh-based Cult,” Mitchell Hamline Law Review: Vol. 49: Iss. 1, Article 9, 2023
  • “Your Digital Sovereignty Ends Right at Your Border,” 19th Annual Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property Colloquium, St. Louis, February 2022
  • “States Can Infringe upon Your Intellectual Property Rights with Impunity in the Era of “New Federalism,” 50 AIPLA Q. J. Iss. 2, 161, 2022
  • “Resorbing Patent Law’s Kessler Cat into the General Law of Preclusion,” 55 Akron Law Review: Iss. 1, Article 20, 2022
  • “Resorbing Patent Law’s Kessler Cat into the General Law of Preclusion,” University of Akron IP Scholars Forums, Virtual, December 2021
  • “IP Rights in the Era of “New Federalism,’” 2021 BYU Copyright and Trademark Symposium, Virtual, August 2021
  • “When Is Software Code Copyrightable? Is Its Unauthorized Copying Excusable as a Fair Use?” Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cases 47, no. 6, 14, 2020
  • “Reaction Streams in Overall Gas-Phase Chemical Reactions,” Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 135, 1439, 2022
  • “Computing Activation Energies of Non-Thermal Reactions,” Mol. Phys. 118 (17), 2020
  • “Identifying Collisions of Various Molecularities in Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” J. Phys. Chem. A 123 (6), 1131, 2019
  • “Generalized Tolman Activation Energy Method Applied to non-Thermal Reactions,” 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, August 2018
  • “Identifying Dominant Reaction Pathways in Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, August 2018
  • “On the Role of the Termolecular Reactions 2O2 + H2 → 2HO2 and 2O2 + H2 → H + HO2 + O2 in Formation of the First Radicals in Hydrogen Combustion: Ab Initio Predictions of Energy Barriers,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 2175, 2017
  • “General Application of Tolman’s Concept of Activation Energy,” J. Chem. Phys. 147, 224111, 2017
  • “Generalized Tolman Activation Energy with Application to Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” Dynamics of Molecular Collisions Conference, Tahoe City, July 2017